Monday, 19 November 2012

Where do you think the end of the road is..?

The part where the man dies.

I believe this is the part where the road actually ends because throughout the whole story the boy and the man have very little emotion towards each other. To separate themselves from each other. So that if the day comes the man could shoot the boy if anything happened. But this one particular moment in the book the man and the boy show their true emotions and we actually see who they really are. It is like McCarthy made them wear masks through the story and then suddenly take them off at this one crucial part. 'I cant. I cant hold my son dead in my arms. I thought i could but i cant'  the man shows how he really feels about his son. Who he actually calls his son. It's like in people's final moments they show you who they truly are. The boy's reply to the man is 'You said you wouldn't leave me.' This particular line doesn't fit in the whole story. It is thrown in with so much emotion and it's very cheesy and it shouldn't be in there. But McCarthy obviously wanted to show how emotional it is for the boy and the man.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think the line "You said you wouldn't leave me." works? As it is so out of keeping with the rest of the story why do we 'believe' it?
